
Here are a couple of sources you may want to consider in providing aid for the people in Haiti:

Catholic Relief Services
Jesuit Refugee Service
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Are you a yoga enthusiast? Or maybe you've wanted to try it and never quite gotten to it. Either way, join us for Yoga!

Meet in the office at St. Mark's Church in Isla Vista at 6:15. (Click here for a map.) We'll walk over to St. Michael's together for a yoga class led by Marisol Murillo.

This class is appropriate for people with all levels of yoga experience...or none at all.

Wear comfortable clothes. If you have a mat you can bring it; otherwise there are mats available for you to use. $3.00 donation requested.

January 19
St. Mark's Church - 6550 Picasso Rd., Isla Vista
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Upcoming Events

Monday, January 11
6:30pm in the Bonaventure Room

Faith and Film: The Great Debaters (2007)
Inspired by real events, The Great Debaters reveals one of the seeds of the Civil Rights Movement in its story of Melvin B. Tolson (Denzel Washington) and his champion 1935 debate club from the all-African-American Wiley College in Texas. Tolson, a Wiley professor, labor organizer, modernist poet, and much else, runs a rigorous debate program at the school, selecting four students as his team in ’35. Race relations at the height of the Great Depression included lynchings of black men and women as a common form of entertainment. The idea of talented and highly intelligent African-American young people learning to think on their feet during debates would seem almost a hopeless endeavor. But that’s not the way Tolson sees it, as his students serve themselves and the cause of racial equality in America. --Tom Keogh

Wednesday, January 13
6:30pm in the Social Room

Monthly meeting. Theme: The Least Ones

Join Richard Rink from the St. Vincent de Paul Society at the Mission and Barbara Finch, director of the PATHS program at St. Vincent's in Santa Barbara to learn more about what we can do to serve the "least ones" among us.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides people with emergency help to pay rent or a utility bill, or to get food, clothing, or furniture. The PATHS program provides transitional housing and services for single mothers who are on welfare or living below the poverty level. Both of these groups provide very practical assistance to people in need.

If you're like me, you see or hear about someone who is hungry or homeless and think "I wish I could help..." This session will give you concrete ideas about what you can do.

For both Faith and Film and the Young Adult meeting, you can park in the Mission Renewal Center parking lot behind the Mission. Enter the driveway at Garden and Pueblo and turn where you see the Mission Renewal Center sign.

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